Treating Cat Cataracts

Treating Cat Cataracts

Cats, with their enigmatic charm and graceful movements,  captivate our hearts. As our beloved companions, it is distressing for us to see them suffer from health issues, particularly those affecting their vision. Among the many ocular conditions that afflict felines, cataracts stand out as a significant concern. However, there are natural and traditional options available. Below I address  causes, symptoms, and treatment options for cat cataracts.

About Cat Cataracts

Cataracts occur when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, obstructing vision. In cats, this opacity can develop due to various factors, including genetics, aging, diabetes mellitus, trauma, and inflammation. While cataracts affect cats of any breed or age, older cats are more prone to developing them.

Symptoms of Cat Cataracts

Identifying cataracts in cats can be challenging since they cannot verbally communicate their discomfort. However, vigilant pet owners may notice certain signs indicative of ocular issues:

  1. Cloudy or bluish appearance in the eye: Cataracts often cause a visible change in the eye’s color, resembling a foggy or milky film.
  2. Vision impairment: Cats with cataracts exhibit difficulty navigating their surroundings, bumping into objects, or displaying reluctance to jump or climb.
  3. Unusual eye behavior: Excessive blinking, squinting, or avoiding bright lights could signal discomfort associated with cataracts.
  4. Excessive scratching and rubbing: Since cats can experience cataracts as sand in their eyes, rubbing them against soft couches and carpets provide can provide temporary relief.


Upon suspecting cataracts, your veterinarian will conduct a comprehensive eye examination to confirm the diagnosis. This may involve specialized tests such as slit-lamp biomicroscopy or ocular ultrasound to assess the extent of lens opacity and identify any underlying conditions.


The treatment approach for cat cataracts depends on various factors, including the cat’s age, overall health, and the severity of the condition. While surgical removal of cataracts (phacoemulsification) is an effective option for restoring vision, it is an expensive option that can involve complications and side effects.

Alternative treatment options include:

  1. Medicines prescribed by your vet: In cases where surgery isn’t recommended or feasible, your veterinarian can prescribe medications to manage secondary complications such as inflammation or glaucoma.
  2. Application of Can-C eye drops: While no specific studies have been run using cats as subjects, studies using dogs and humans report success in nine out of ten subjects. Researchers concluded Can-C is a viable treatment options for any mammal whether cats, dogs, horses or humans.  For more information visit
  3. Lifestyle Adjustments: Modifying your cat’s environment by minimizing hazards and providing aids such as ramps or handrails can enhance their quality of life.
  4. Nutritional Support: Dietary supplements containing antioxidants or omega-3 fatty acid help support eye health. Feeding your cat organic food reduces inflammation which is known to be a cause of cat cataracts.


Cataracts can cast a shadow over our feline friends’ world, but with timely intervention and appropriate treatment, there’s hope for clarity. As responsible pet owners, it’s essential to prioritize our cats’ ocular health by remaining vigilant for signs of eye problems and seeking prompt veterinary care when needed. By exploring available treatment options, we can help our beloved companions enjoy a brighter, clearer future.

Remember, the journey towards clear vision begins with a single step – let’s take that step together, hand in paw, towards a world where every cat can see the beauty that surrounds them.

Robert Rodgers PhD